Home - Help for Troubled Teens

Help for Troubled Teens in Hammond, IN

Providing help for troubled teens is not for the weak. The truth is that all parents need help from time-to-time. It is especially true for parents of troubled teens, as they need special help for the mental health of their child. Raising teenagers in today's society is not easy, especially with all the changes to the "family". Help for Troubled Teens

Over the last 30 years everything in society has changed, but the changes have not made it easier to be a parent, in fact these changes have made it harder to parent. If you are a parent of a troubled teenager and you need help (mentorship, coaching, guidance, support, advice) consider calling Restoring Troubled Teens. Our Family Advocates are poised to help parents of struggling teens. This is what we do, and we are very good at it. 

What do parents do when their child is depressed, abusing alcohol or drugs, angry, violent, or totally out of control - making poor personal choices that are keeping parents up at night? This is a good question. Most parents in this situation feel all alone, isolated, and are tormented with fear and great concern. Nothing seems to work, and these parents can't seem to get control over the situation, waiting for the next shoe to drop. We can help parents of troubled youth.


The Type of Help that Parents are Looking for from Hammond, IN

Parents are looking for specific type of support when dealing with a crisis with a troubled child.  They are not looking for educational-based "how to parent" stuff.  Not in the middle of a crisis.  They are looking for hope and the chance to regain what seems to be lost.  

Parents in crisis can be shutdown, or extremely angry, but they all want to restore and regain what they once had.  They want to be able to love their child, communicate with their child, and to have a sense of peace. Parents want to know that their child has a future that is bright and prosperous.  During the midst of the crisis it is imperative that parents receive the message "there is hope", "this too will pass", "we can get through this together".

The Family Advocates of Restoring Troubled Teens are on standby ready to support parents in crisis.  

Famous Life Quotes “I think the best life would be one that's lived off the grid. No bills, your name in no government databases. No real proof you're even who you say you are, aside from, you know, being who you say you are. I don't mean living in a mountain hut with solar power and drinking well water. I think nature's beautiful and all, but I don't have any desire to live in it. I need to live in a city. I need pay as you go cell phones in fake names, wireless access stolen or borrowed from coffee shops and people using old or no encryption on their home networks. Taking knife fighting classes on the weekend! Learning Cantonese and Hindi and how to pick locks. Getting all sorts of skills so that when your mind starts going, and you're a crazy raving bum, at least you're picking their pockets while raving in a foreign language at smug college kids on the street. At least you're always gonna be able to eat. ” ― Joey Comeau

Happiness Quotes “Sounds travel through space long after their wave patterns have ceased to be detectable by the human ear: some cut right through the ionosphere and barrel on out into the cosmic heartland, while others bounce around, eventually being absorbed into the vibratory fields of earthly barriers, but in neither case does the energy succumb; it goes on forever - which is why we, each of us, should take pains to make sweet notes.” ― Tom Robbins

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